

Whether your visit is personal or professional, I'm delighted to have you here.
My goal is to openly share who I am, what I've learned, and learn from you along the way.

I decided over ten years ago to at last pursue my dream of writing and I haven’t looked back. I have only a passing idea of why I’ve succeeded though not nearly to the degree I hope to – so I forge on.

You don’t need a rambling description of all that I’ve done in my life but there are a few things I’d like to tell you.
I’m a Christian and politically conservative, but I will not hit you over the head with either. I’m the oldest of nine children. I’ve been married to the same guy for 45 years and we have three sons.
Together with our oldest son, we've owned and operated a small computer sales and services company for the past 15 years.
We have six grandchildren.

I write children’s plays, essays, poems, informative writing articles and short stories. I’ve written two comic-cozy mystery novels and have begun a third. The first, The Red Shoelace Killer- A Minnie Markwood Mystery, will be published by Mainly Murder Press in November of 2012.

So – enough about me. Let me know about you.