Sunday, July 15, 2012

Garden Update

Well, Grandpa John's garden is in full bloom. In fact some crops are in and processed like the peas and beets. Pickled beets are one of my own personal faves and this year was the first year we grew them and canned them.

On the left here is the zuchinni plant. Lots of stir fry and bread will be coming from this plant!

Here we have the cucumber plants. This year they're climbing the wire.

Hope to have enough to make at least two batches of bread and butter pickles. Can't seem to make enough of those!

And here's the weekend's bounty. All the potatoes and onions have been pulled.

I have an herb garden, too. I'll be hoofing it outside in a bit to grab some parsley. See those little red potatoes?

Boil them up and slather them with butter, a dash of salt and some fresh parsley. Divine!

The kiss of the sun for pardon
The song of the birds for mirth
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth


  1. Thank you, Cindy. I had pics of the pumpkins and watermelons, too, but had a hard time posting them so gave up. Grr. Anyway, I cooked up a bunch of this last night for the kids. Soooo good!

  2. Susan:

    You have a beautiful garden, and the bounty is plentiful. My husband and I have been gardening in our backyard for a few years now--tomatoes, zucchini, butternut squash, and cucumbers are our staples. This year, we planted sugar peas too. If they produce well, we'll plant them again next year. Onions are one veggie we've been contemplating growing. Maybe next time.

    As for zucchini recipes, I like to fry mine with chopped onion in olive oil, with a dash of salt and black pepper. Yum! Thanks for reminding me that I can also bake some zucchini bread. :-)

    Fun interview over at JBB's site, by the way. I left a comment over there.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.


    1. Hi Janette! So nice of you to stop by. Our garden is such a blessing - we eat from it all summer and I can and freeze like crazy for winter. I often do my zucchini your way, too. Yum!

  3. Hi, Susan:

    I do not know how to can, and am wondering which vegetables you freeze. That's a great way to keep some of the garden's surplus! We eat much of the veggies ourselves, but do end up giving away to friends what we don't eat. Do zucchini freeze well? Do you slice them first and then put in a Ziploc bag? That's what I'm envisioning.

    Great gardening tips here! ;-)

    1. Janette, Get a Ball preserving book to find out the best way to can and freeze. I've been doing it for so long it comes naturally now. I don't, however, freeze zucchini. We eat it, I take the excess to church and give it away, friends and family get the rest. When I have too many tomatoes I make ketchup. Now that's good stuff!

  4. Jennifer Brown BanksJuly 18, 2012 at 6:49 AM


    A garden? It's been on my to-do list for years, after a failed attempt some time ago. :-) I could certainly use your "green thumb" to cure my blues. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Jen, Grow some herbs in the window sill. Any little growing thing that can enhance your wonderful cooking! Thanks for your virtual visit!
