Thursday, April 5, 2012

Good Friday

Good Friday is also known as God Friday – the day that God acted. Here are two things that help me remember that long ago day and what it means for Christians.

This one is hard to watch so you may just want to listen. Here are the lyrics in English (original German) from The Passion of St. John by J.S. Bach

Rest well, rest well, beloved sleeping that I may cease from further weeping and let me, too, and let me, too, rest well.

The grave that is, that is prepared for Thee and holds no further pain for me, doth open Heaven, open Heaven to me and close the gates of Hell.

This one I’ve  listened to every Good Friday since I first heard it several years ago. I wish I could have known and heard first hand this incredible Southern preacher, S.M. Lockridge.

If you celebrate Easter, I sincerely hope you are blessed beyond measure as you do.

God Bless You

Image: bela_kiefer                                      Free Digital Photos


  1. Susan --

    I wish you and your family a Blessed Easter :)


